Testing innovative sectoral approaches and lobbying to validate European models of sustainable management of food
On the basis of the knowledge gained from WP1, and through a Community of Practice (CoP2), partners will determine common terms of reference for preparing sectoral action plans and test them in living labs.
These pilot projects will take place at home but also in schools and school canteens, in restaurants and company canteens, supermarkets and social groceries. Some partners will lead by example and implement food avoidance in the daily running of their organisation or at special events with catering. These pilot projects will be run in a participative perspective, with co-creation of concepts and solutions, leading to a complete appropriation of the working methods by users and thus a real embedding of behaviour change. Then, managers of those pilot projects will become “GreenCook Ambassadors” (WP3).
Results will be assessed(WP4) and lessons learned formalised into specific working methods and draft methodological handbooks, training programmes, educational tools, recipe cards further elaborated in WP1.
Besides, results gained from desk research (WP1) and in the living labs will allow partners to identify more clearly obstacles and reasons for unsustainable food management which are not in their hands. To strengthen their approach, overcome conflicts and set basis for upscaling of GreenCook methods, partners will organise Dialogue Platforms with actors from external sectors. They will thus better understand mutual needs, limits and constraints and exchange on those linkages and contradictions between e.g. food wastage and packaging, food safety regulation, reduction and recycling, promotion of organic or local food.
The outcomes of those Dialogue Platforms will support a rational for a political lobby, in view to foster legislative innovation and to bridge the gaps between the various sectoral approaches which contribute to food wastage. The objective is definitely to seize every occasion to bring the GreenCook messages into political arenas.
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