Welcome to www.green-cook.org!

Welcome to www.green-cook.org!

Because wasting food is unacceptable please find here all useful information abour the Interreg IVB project GreenCook - Towards a global sustainable food management : project’s objectives, composition of the partnership, actions undertaken, work methods used.

Tools and publications are also available. Why don’t you calculate the level of your food wastage on line with our Smart Food Saving Portal developed by our Geman partner AVL - Ludwigsburg?

You may also regularly have a look at our events in order for you not to miss any appointment with GreenCook issues!

GreenCook Final Event will be hosted in Brussels on February 6th, 2014. Information HERE - Registration desk is closed. More than 225 of you will attend GreenCook Final Event. Thank YOU!

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