Food wastage is emerging as a still-to-be-concretized political priority in North-West Europe, GreenCook gathers a pathbreaking combination of partners, each with a unique, targeted expertise and legitimacy, and directly usable know-how. Espace Environnement, a recognised co-operation organiser, is ready to support the emergence of shared innovative solutions, and recurrent trans-sectoral discussions.
The CRIOC has been scrutinising consumer behaviour for years.
Bruxelles Environnement has broken new ground on the subject via pilot studies in canteens but is struggling to adapt the dynamic to a broader scale.
The Nord-Pas de Calais Region would like to deploy a sustainable food plan in its high school canteens. It is also running a network that helps the disadvantaged to increase their life skills.
Artois Comm. and Ludwigsburg have sectoral networks for rapidly implementing the lessons learnt from the project.
Eurotoques and De Proeftuinen are associations of restaurateurs who are innovative for sustainable, good quality food.
ISWA (University of Stuttgart) is a reference in quantifying avoidable waste. Agrotechnology and Food Innovations (A&F-University of Wageningen) manages the Restaurant of the Future, which allows to assess how consumer behaviour is affected when confronted to food and food presentation innovations.
GreenTag is trying out environmental communication and management in three Leclerc stores.
Fost Plus is opening the doors to innovation in terms of anti-wastage packaging.
The United Kingdom, pioneer in the fight against food wastage, offers a great deal of advice via some well-informed observers. The pooling of this knowledge, experience and skills will enable the partners to accelerate the trend towards common sectoral standards and to overcome current impediments, while passing harmoniously from the experimentation stage to that of generalised strategy
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