

Assessing results to determine GreenCook standards for food wastage avoidance strategies and to reward good practices of professionals and households

From the beginning of the project, partners will agree on common methodologies and a series of strong indicators to monitor the pilot projects developed in the living labs and the actions carried out on the ground (WP2 & WP3). Results will be assessed in terms of change in behaviour and practices, waste avoidance, and far-reaching impacts such as the reduction of GHG emissions.

As a start, partners will share their current data and knowledge concerning the evaluation on the food wastage issue, and will proceed with baseline measurements in different spots, to use as a reference for monitoring the progress afterwards. This work will evolve in close relation to the sharing of knowledge on behaviours realised in WP1.

In addition, indicators related to the efficiency of the project management, of the communication strategy as well as of the quality and relevance of the co-operation between partners will also be developed. The assessment programme will be implemented through the 4-year project and will lead to the determination of GreenCook standards as regards food wastage avoidance strategies, which should spread over the NWE territory.

The emergence of these validated standards will moreover allow single out good practices of professionals (retailers, packaging designers, out-of-home food professionals) and households and reward them with a special GreenCook Trophy at the occasion of contests, challenges and league tables.

Besides, ground work and lobby made by partners to support the incorporation of a “food waste avoidance” criterion in existing international label and reward schemes will also allow GreenCook achievements to remain and prosper in time and space.

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